Monday 11 June 2012

Strong perseverance via great anticipation; the key towards “magical touch”.


Are you done with staring at this scenery? Now, call someone and show him/her this picture. I dare say that the person would likely ask you questions such as “Where did you take this photo? ” / “Where was this picture taken?” or “Who took this photo?”  I bet you the person would not ask the following question, “Who painted this?” Why not? Well, one way to find out….read on…..

Frankly, I could hardly believe what I saw when I stepped onto the top floor of the Paddy Musuem.  I found myself standing on a revolving platform with a 360 degrees view of a traditional malay village nestled at the foot of Gunung Keriang surrounded by miles and miles of green paddy fields, under a bright blue sky dotted  with speckles  of white clouds.  I gasped in amazement. Is this real? Am I looking at a real village? The scene certainly looked real enough.

I looked closer and I realized that the figures of villagers going about their daily activities were static – thus I concluded that this scene around me is a collage of painted pictures pasted on the wall/ceiling.  Then I made another surprising discovery.  On closer inspection, I realized that the scenery was actually a giant mural painting! Not mere collage of painted pictures as I had earlier thought they were. Oh wow! It’s truly amazing the amount of creativity and craftsmanship put into producing this work of art.

That is the story behind this amazing picture. By the way, this episode brings to mind an important thought for reflection.  Yes, I’m amazed by the ‘magical touch’ of the artists who painted this mural. But what I consider to be more important is the attitude behind this ‘magical touch’. To me, every ‘magical touch’ or ‘magical moment’ is a result of strong perseverance which is continuously energized by great anticipation of the outcome. Having personally witnessed the magical touch of this beautiful painting, I wondered at the challenges faced by those artists; what kind of great anticipation had kept them going till the work is completed. I am certain they persevered despite having to bear thousands of failures or else we would not bear witness to this magnificent painting.

It is also interesting to connect this thought on strong perseverance to our teaching profession.  Our ultimate goal as teachers   is to educate our students; we anticipate their success and achievements.   Along the way, we are faced with many challenges, and this is where we need strong perseverance . Encountering failures  is not a big deal, but what matters most is how we continue to be strong in the face of adversities; to persevere in fulfilling our responsibilities.   

To my dear fellow teachers-to-be, let’s inculcate this principle of strong perseverance via great anticipation in enduring our challenging teaching profession.  Trust me, we would create our own “magical touch” because what does not kill us would surely make us stronger. 

ZUWE 14/12.

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