Monday 4 June 2012

aWEsOmE tRiP eVeR!!

This semester (Jan-May 2012) we took an English Language Enrichment (ELS)  course. This is a non-credit, non-exam course which is primarily aimed at giving us more opportunities to improve our proficiency. Our lecturer, Mdm. Shirley Goh asked us to suggest ways we could make this course more fun and interesting, instead of the usual classroom interactions.  One of the suggestions was a class trip.
And so on April 27th. 2012, we went up north  to Alor Setar and Jitra, Kedah. The two places we planned to visit are the Paddy Museum and Lye Huat Garden.
This is my entry on the trip.  The day started well…I woke up early and a few of us, girls prepared sandwiches to take along with us on the trip. We hurried to the meeting spot, near the campus main gate and the rented mini school bus was waiting for us. Everyone arrived on time and by 8.20am we left the campus

Our first destination was the Paddy Museum in Alor Setar, a 90 minutes drive from Sungai Petani.  The journey was very pleasant as we passed the scenic countryside. When we arrived at the museum, there were a few groups of visitors ahead of us. As it was a Friday, many of them were school students accompanied by their teachers. We spent about two hours wandering around the museum and viewing the exhibits. I guess everyone’s favourite spot was the museum’s Souvenir Shop.  This was where we spent the longest time – admiring, selecting and finally purchasing some souvenirs. 

When we got back onto the bus, it was already close to noon time.  As it was a Friday, our Muslim course mates would have to perform Friday prayers. So, we decided to stop at Jitra Mall for lunch and browse around while they perform their prayers.
At 2 o’clock, the bus picked us up from the mall and we headed for Lye Huat Garden in Jitra.  We were excited and eager as we have heard much about its beautiful landscaped garden. The moment the bus came to a stop in front of the main entrance, we hurriedly got down and rushed to the ticketing booth. We were GREATLY DISAPPOINTED! There was a printed sign hanging on the grill stating that Lye Huat Garden was temporarily closed to the public due to renovation works. 

Oh well….nothing could be done, we’ll have to come another day (God willing).  Anyway, we posed for pictures outside the entrance.  All in all, we had a nice, fun trip…it was the companionship and laughter we shared as coursemates that made this trip memorable.  Thank you, guys & gals of P3M!!

amal amri

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