Tuesday 12 June 2012

the insights I gained :')

Seems like everyone is talking about the trip, I don’t want to be left behind! But, let’s give this a little twist! I’ll be writing on the  insights I gained from the trip J

Right from the start, I knew that this would be an enjoyable trip. Everyone was in high spirits as we boarded the bus; never mind that it was not air-conditioned. We chatted happily, laughed and joked with each other. We even had breakfast on board! A few of my course mates  had earlier prepared sandwiches for all of us. It was lovely of them to do so and many of us were awed by this kind act.  I would have chipped in to help but I only knew about it after everything was prepared. Too bad I missed the opportunity to show off my Master Chef skill :P.

I know I’ve said this a few times before but no harm in saying it one more time right?  Thank you sooo much  to those who prepared the breakfast. I am sure it cost all of you quite a lot since there were more than enough sandwiches for everyone   at least 3 slices of bread for each person and some even took 5 slices! ( I won’t reveal who, it’s your guess) .
Let me say this again….your generosity is truly appreciated especially at this critical time where money flow is low (end of semester, allowance almost gone, Haha). Feels like we belong to one big family, right?  Giving without hoping of any returns.
Throughout the journey, I was so sleepy since I had a long chat with a friend from the other class the night before. Everything was under control until we were on the highway. I could not control it anymore, I needed my beauty sleep or else I’ll sleep in the museum! So, I decided to take a nap. Well, you would think that it would be uncomfortable to sleep in a moving bus, no? But, not  me ! On  the other hand  I had a very comfortable nap. Hehe.

Thank you to the person who sat beside me, no need for me to mention her  name (obviously, that person is a she :D ) I slept ( no longer a nap, mind you) all the way from  the highway to Alor Star.  And that person, who sat beside me, did not  complain at all . When I woke up, I look at her guiltily because I realized that I had used her shoulder as my pillow for a whole hour! Thankfully, she  gave me an understanding look followed by a  sweet smile  as if offering me another round of sleep! Heehee
And I love that person even more after this  incident. <3
Some of you might ask me, what was so special about those two events that I wrote above. Well, if you remove your literature ‘glasses’ you won’t be able to understand the story.:)

 But, if you try to understand the whole thing from the point of view of a literature student, you will understand  the underlying meaning of  what I have written.
Well,that’s what friends are for, right? I love everyone of you, P3M (P4M soon! Woot!)

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