Tuesday 19 June 2012

A Marvelous Trip to Paddy Museum

Class photo with Mdm Shirley & P3M

            On 27th April 2012, my lecturer and my classmates went to visit Paddy Museum which was located in Alor Setar. This trip came at the right time as we had just completed all our assignments and we needed a short break before we begin exam preparations and then sit for the exams.  As the proverb goes ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. We went to Alor Setar in an old mini school bus. We were quite worried about the condition of the bus, but amazingly it brought us to and back safely. At the start of our journey, we chatted with one another while munching delicious sandwiches prepared by my classmates. Sad to say, I didn’t eat any because there were sardine in the sandwiches. Fortunately, one of my classmates bought me an ‘Egg Tart’ for my breakfast. Along the journey, my classmate and I were actually quite worried whether the bus driver knew the way to the Paddy Museum.
            After a 90 minutes ride, our worry turned to happiness because we finally arrived at the Paddy Museum. All of us were amused by the special design of the museum which resembled paddy stalks. We spent about two hours wandering around the museum and viewing the exhibits.
         The section which captivated me the most was the revolving platform at Level 3 of the museum. Here, visitors can catch a 360 degrees gigantic panoramic view of a village nestled at the foot of a mountain named “Gunung Keriang”.  Even though the scenery was hand-drawn, it still looked realistic enough to make me feel like I am actually standing there in-person, taking in the real view in front of me. 
Of course, what is a trip without souvenirs, right? I always make it a point to buy some whenever I go on a trip and this is no exception. There is a souvenir shop at the basement and many of us had a great time shopping. Before we left the museum, we posed for a group photo at the steps leading to the entrance of the Paddy Musuem.
            What next?  Since it was a Friday, our Muslim friends had to perform their Friday prayers. So, the driver dropped us off at Jitra Mall for lunch while the rest went to the nearest mosque.  I walked towards the mall with three of my friends. Suddenly, one of my friends, ‘JY’ shouted aloud, “Where’s my mobile phone?” I thought she was making fun with us, so I asked her to search her bag carefully. After a futile search, we came to the conclusion that she might have left her phone on one of the seats at the revolving platform of the Paddy Musuem.  We tried calling her mobile number but it was unreachable. We suspected that someone must have found the phone and taken it. So, we quickly called to the telco service operator and tried to terminate the number. Unfortunately, Due to some incomplete personal details, she could not terminate her phone number. We could see that JY was very upset over her loss and at the same time worried that her number could be misused by whoever had taken it.
          Do you believe in miracles? I do after what happened next. You see, I really wanted to help JY, but how?  Well, I decided to try my luck, so I picked up my mobile phone and dialled her number again.  A miracle happened! First, I heard the ringing tone then a male voice answered. He identified himself as one of the workers in the museum who discovered the phone on the seat.  I informed him that the phone he held belonged to my friend, JY. The man assured me that he would keep the phone safely till JY came to claim it.  Oh, that was a happy ending to JY’s phone. It was a lesson learnt, and ‘Never give up until the end of the road’.
I was tired and sleepy and on our journey back to KSAH, I fell into a nice slumber. Suddenly, one of my classmates called my name and when I turned my head to look back, all of them sang me a birthday song as an early birthday celebration. Honestly, I felt extremely touched as they remembered my birthday. They even surprised me with a cup cake and butter bread bun, both with lit candles on them. I blew the candles and everyone cheered. Thanks Mdm Shirley and P3M for celebrating my birthday J
           It was really a memorable trip for me as this was my first time to celebrate my birthday in a school bus and also with butter bread as my birthday cake! J
         Again.. Madam Shirley and P3M.. I Love You All for giving me a memorable day.. MUackss ^^


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