Tuesday 19 June 2012

just a piece :)

I rarely get connected to internet and even my phone always has weak coverage, so, I am sorry if this entry does not fulfill the requirement provided (I read not even halfway what was posted on facebook before I got disconnected, so, pardon me) ^.^v

I am listening to Dream of Goose while writing this, just to get  into the mood. This song always  gives me a certain feeling, kind of melancholic.

If you ask me what I remember from our trip, I would say that I did not really remember what I had gained academically; I do remember that the those paintings could even beat Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa but I could not recall the names of the traditional  exhibits or even the varieties of rice displayed. But, I remember that I had a wonderful unforgettable memory with you guys and girls on that day. Oh yes, now I remember that  the names of our sport houses (rumah sukan) Malinja, Mahsuri, Ria and Bahagia are the names of  different types of rice. Unexpected, isn’t it?

I am from a small family. My family consists of my parents, me and my little brother. So, boarding a bus with other 17 ‘siblings’ was a lifetime experience for me. All eighteen of us are different; a-cheeky-and-critical-JC, a-gentleman-Simon, an-innocent-Izni, a-firm-Komalah, every one of us is different, but when we boarded the bus, I couldn’t see that difference anymore. We were just like small kids , eager for our first trip together. I remembered Zhi Hui’s effort to block out the wind by pushing up the window, only to find that the window would slide down with a crash – giving everyone a scare each time that happened.  Well, the wind sure made a mess of her hair as well as Jay Ying’s who sat next to her. I remembered how we giggled and laughed seeing Zhi Hui’s “fight” with the window.  For those who don’t quite know Zhi Hui, she’s one person who makes sure her hair is always in place, falling smoothly down to her shoulders like those models you see in shampoo adverts.  But, on that day  we saw the other side of her hair. ^.^V

What else do I remember? Mmmm….I recalled  that lunch stop at Jitra Mall. We walked around and finally decided on a restaurant situated outside the mall building. We went  in and  placed our orders.  It was peak hour and the restaurant was packed.  Knowing that our food would not be served that soon, we decided to perform our prayers first. Aina and I were the last to leave the prayer room situated in the mall.  I remembered I told Aina that I wanted to buy waffle and she said she wanted it too. So we headed towards the waffle stall on the ground floor of the mall. We realized that we had only 15 minutes left before the pick-up time. But the lure of sweet –smelling waffles was too strong for us and we decided to go ahead and order.  By the time we got our waffles, we only had less than 10 minutes left. And we still had our ordered food waiting for us at the restaurant.  Aina and I hurriedly took the nearest exit out of the mall. As we stood outside the mall building, we looked around but could not locate the restaurant. That was when we realized that we had taken the wrong exit. We did not know where we were.  Thankfully, Kama called and with her directions we made our way back to the restaurant. When the others asked, we said we got lost. Well, technically we did lose our way but the thing was they did not know about our waffles.  We began to eat our lunch while everyone else headed to the pick-up point. There was less than five minutes left for us and we gobbled down our food  without even a glance at the other customers. I wondered what they thought of us kids who haven’t been eating for ten days? But you know how I felt? I felt like a real tourist, like you have to eat real fast so that you had enough time to catch your bus , train or flight. It just felt real. Well, our trip was real of course, but you know what I mean.

And Simon, that day was a day before your birthday.right? You should see how much effort Syazwan and JC put in to light the candles. Do you still remember how the candles looked like? Half burnt. Haha. It was fun to see you guys trying hard to light the candles without Simon noticing. Even the pak cik driver was smiling when we sang Simon a birthday song.

This trip feels homey doesn’t it?  

We will all be the “Sirs, Madams and Ms.” teachers in a few years time.Teaching – they all say it is a routine. Same thing for  years and years to come. But here’s a survival tip. Look for happiness in small things. If not,  your burning passion to teach would fade. So, find your “little” happiness, enjoy your life. ;) This class trip has shown me that happiness comes in ‘small packages” – thank you guys & gals of P3M.

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